Sunday, 4 June 2017

Zzzzzzzzzzzzz.... or lack there of.

Something has changed. I don't know what, and I don't know if it will last. Something is different. I am not sure what it is. This morning was hard the kids were up during the night and sleep did not last long enough. Still I woke up energised and different. Maybe my brain finally broke...

I took the dog for a run... ok fine a jog.... whatever it might have been a brisk walkish kind of thing. I was wearing workout gear though so it counts. It was just Hobo and I, we needed to get out, to breathe the fresh mountain air, take in the sunshine.

I came home to the baby throwing cereal on the floor, Shane half paying attention to her and half working on his computer, and the toddler snoozing away comfortably in his bed. The house was scheduled to be shown in a few hours and we had a lot to do to get it in order. I helped sleeping beauty arise from his intense slumber and bribed him with a smoothie for sustenance since the thought of chewing offended his senses so greatly.

Between Shane, his dad, and myself we managed to make things somewhat presentable and less cesspool resemble a house. This led to the point of us now having to vacate the premises and entertain two toddlers and dog for the better part of two hours.

I had the sudden brilliant idea of hair cuts, and although it went over like a lead balloon it was agreed too. After a ton of bribery and a colossal amount of shrieking Isaac looked less like an orphaned ragga muffin and more like a little gentleman. (I said he looked like it, not he acted like it.)

We followed this up by traversing to the dog park. We had just bought Zoey her very own tricycle and Isaac was dying to show her how to "peddle peddle, but not in the river Zozo." In an insane moment of cuteness that made my heart melt Isaac had tried to help Shane put the tricycle together. It took five times longer but I'm pretty sure it prevented a lot of cursing.

Now we are home and nap time has finally come. What the hell am I doing writing?! Clearly I should be sle....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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