Friday, 2 February 2018

So keep going mama, you've got this!

Almost every day my morning starts the same. Shane's alarm goes off and I wake up, he hits snooze and goes back to sleep five million times. I usually fight my hardest to go back to sleep for the first two or three times but I eventually surrender and pick up my phone. I start with the news. I hate reading the news but my parents always told me that you should at least scan the headlines so you could be up on current events, otherwise what would you talk about. So that is what I do, I open the news and suffer through the horrifying headlines, sometimes I can't help but read an article. It's never good, it always makes me sad and scared, often I even cry at the thought of my babies having to grow up in a world filled with so much hate. Now that I am good and sad, I open social media. This usually gives me a boost. Most mornings my facebook and instagram feeds are full of stories about love and pictures of kids, animals, and beautiful moments in the lives of people all over the world.

This morning I was disappointed. This morning my heart broke a little. One of the "friends" (someone I don't actually know but have become connected with through social media) who has had some struggles with motherhood and has just welcomed a new baby was attacked by another mother. The verbal assault was brutal the woman told my friend that her kids are grown and she survived motherhood, to stop whining, suck it up, and parent. She continued this ridiculousness by telling my friend that she chose to be a mother, so she did not have a right to say it was hard. Ok um what?! This is absurd!

Yes parenthood is a choice. Those of us that have kids are blessed, lucky, and fortunate. I know there are many people out there that wish so badly to be parents, they would give anything to have child and for whatever reason they can not see dream fulfilled. I've been on that side, I went through fertility treatments. My fertility struggle was short compared to others and not nearly as difficult, none the less it took an emotional toll. Of course there were moments during that struggle that I would swear I would never, ever complain about my kids if I were so lucky to have them. That was pain and sorrow talking, that was my desperate heart begging the universe for a child, that was my broken soul grasping at straws of strained faith.

Motherhood, fatherhood, parenthood is a choice; but it's hard as hell. We all struggle differently through it and we all find different ways to cope with it but it is hard. Anyone who says parenthood is easy is lying. Maybe this woman who attacked my friend has forgotten those endless days of raising tiny humans, maybe she really can not recall the days that it was literally all she could do to keep those crazy, tiny, toddlers alive. Has she truly forgotten the times she didn't have a moment to herself, the days she could't put the baby down, the times the toddler wouldn't let go of her leg? Is she really so vain as to think she never unnecessarily raised her voice? She really believes that she never, not once, had a moment of this is really hard; how am I going to make it; am I screwing them up? She actually expects us to believe that she didn't go through those moments where she just prayed for bedtime to come a little quicker, that she really never complained to anyone about her kids?

I do not care where you come from, who you are, if you are in a relationship or single, if you are rich; poor; or somewhere in between, or how old you are - parenting is hard. Raising this helpless, little human that can't even hold up it's own head is so hard. Teaching someone that literally can't use a toilet how to become a decent person is a challenge. Parenting is the hardest thing you will ever do.

When I am struggling the most, having those moments where I really think I am messing everything up, my husband always tells me that I am a good mother. He says, "Babe you know how you know that you are a good mom? It's because you actually worry about it, your biggest fear is not being a good enough mom." So keep going mama, you've got this! You are awesome and if you need to vent on facebook to get through the day DO IT! Hater's gonna hate but I will love and support you.

Ok time to step down from my soap box.

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