Monday, 24 July 2017

The threenager

We have moved past the terrible two's and into the era of the threenager. Isaac's third birthday was last week and it seems like he transitioned overnight. He is definitely not a little baby anymore. Everything he does and says is carefully thought out and mostly understandable. He even looks like a big boy these days. Here is a sample of the threenager attitude I witnessed this week...

Isaac: What are you doing mom?
Me: Sweeping the floor. What are you doing Isaac?
Isaac: Drinking my f#*@&+% milk.
Me: Where the f#*@ did you learn that? Oh crap! Shit! Jesus....

Yep this is my real life.

#threenager #pottymouth #bigkid #momlife #momfail

Monday, 17 July 2017

Mommy's Room

I am so lucky to have a husband that shares in parenthood so equally. Shane has never hesitated to wake up with the kids in the middle of the night, change the most nasty diapers, slave away cooking only to have his hard work rejected by picky toddlers, supervise bath time, play on the floor, or do any other parenting task. He is a wonderful partner and an amazing dad. He is almost always the one to put Isaac to bed these days and they have developed quite the routine. It's gotten to the point that when I put Isaac to bed he is upset with me because I don't do things "like dada does it mommy!"

Tonight after the stories were read in just the right voices, the night lights were turned on in exactly the right order, the blankets were placed so carefully in the correct positions, the toys had been kissed enough times, ugga muggas were exchanged, and hugs and kisses deployed; our little boy suddenly had a very urgent question...

I: "Dada, where do you sleep?"
S: "Upstairs in Mommy's room."
I: "No Dada! Where is your bed?"
S: "In Mommy's room."
I: "Silly Dada. That's Mommy's bed. Where do you sleep?"
S: "I share with Mommy."

Isaac contemplates this for a while but seems to finally accept it. Shane gives and extra hug and kiss and starts to gather the books so he can leave the room. We aren't allowed to leave these books on his room, it causes epic toddler meltdowns if we mix up which books belong in his room, which books go down in the playroom, and which books have the coveted book shelf in the living room. As Shane begins to make his escape and reaches the door knob, Isaac sits up...

I: "Dada? Where does Hobo sleep?"
S: "In Mommy's room."
I: "I don't want Hobo and Dada in my bed. It's too much."
S: "That's ok, we will stay with Mommy."
I: "Poor Mommy, too many things."

#poormommy #roomsharing #cobedding #whyisitmommysroom #thanksforfeelingmypain #workingsofatoddlerbrain #motherhood #fatherhood #parenthood #mommyblogger #bloggersofinstagram

Wednesday, 12 July 2017

All the things

It's been a busy week around here. We've had doctors appointments and birthday party prep, plus we had a big shift for the kids since our nanny left. None of this has stopped the crazy, toddler-fueled, shinanagins.

Isaac is getting all excited for his birthday coming up, he has been practicing telling people that he is 3 and doing some trial runs at blowing out birthday candles. He could not decide what kind of birthday he wanted and after a lengthy discussion with grandma it was decided he needed an "all the stuff birthday mom!" So a trip to the dollarstore and Walmart later we were loaded down with party decor from of all his favourite characters (buzz and woody, minions, paw patrol, Spider-Man, Mickey Mouse, ninja turtles, and the ever important paw patrol.) Every day since our shopping trip Isaac checks the pantry and informs me that it will be his birthday is "tomorrow mom? I get presents and CAKE!"

As for princess ZoZo she has quite a personality these days. Although she continues to refuse to walk she despises the stroller and would much rather bum scoot every where. She doesn't see any reason that she shouldn't be able to run and play with her brother and has found her own little ways to keep up with him. This week we discovered her deep love of unicorns... she found one at chapters and all out demanded it. There was yelling, big tears, and desperate reaching from the stroller. I may have given in and bought it, which lead to Isaac needing the dinosaur puzzle he'd been eyeing up since we walked through the door. I thought that it was just the colours that caught her eye but she found another unicorn today at value village and repeated the procedure. So we came home with 3 Ninja turtles, a unicorn, and some dress up clothes.

And for those that are wondering about all these doctors appointments... Zoey is a bit delayed with her gross motor skills but after careful assessment by a paediatrician and a few X-rays it has been decided she just needs some physiotherapy to catch her up. Her treatment for hi dysplasia set her back a bit but it was well worth it! She won't have any hip issues now and it shouldn't take long to help her meet her milestones.

Isaac is another story. Some of you know but many do not, Isaac has been having seizures. It's been going on for about a year. We thought they were just febrile seizures the first few times because they coincided with a fever. It turns out that is not the case and the paediatrician feels more needs to be done for us to uncover the cause. We had an ECG done and that came back normal so our next step is an EEG (which can be done as an outpatient thank goodness!) and an MRI with sedation. We have also received a neurology referral.

I guess the nanny leaving is a blessing in disguise, now I'm back to working straight nights and I can be around for all of the follow-up Isaac needs. I am so grateful that none of this has kept my spunky babies down.

Wednesday, 5 July 2017

Summer lovin'

Summer is in full swing here in Alberta and that means a whole 10 days (if we are lucky) of 30+ sunshine filled days. I thought it would be a great idea to take advantage of the weather and get the kids outside. We invited a bunch of friends over to come play but since it was very last minute of me everyone was busy. It didn't matter though, we could party by ourselves. I dug through the closets to find all the pool toys, bathing suits, swim diaper, sunscreen, etc... it only took 30 minutes before I remembered it was all in the garage from the past weekend. I put the baby down for a nap and took the toddler outside. I figured he would play with the dog, maybe blow some bubbles or kick a soccer ball around. That failed epically. As soon as Isaac spotted the pool toys he started trying to jump into the uninflated pool and crying because he thought his toys were all "squished." After a million attempts to reason and explain things to him I gave up and just let him cry while I inflated the pool. We don't have an air pump so I literally had to blow every toy up the old fashioned way.

I found the hose and started filling the pull which caused the tiny minion beside me to vibrate with excitement. As soon as his majesty dipped a toy in the pool the river of tears began to flow again. The water was much to cold for his tender little toes. I dug through the pot cupboard and found my gigantic chilli pot and filled it with steaming hot water from the bath tub. 5 pots later and my little prince was satisfied with the temperature.

At this point the baby had woken up from her beauty sleep and was bellowing for me. I gathered her up and changed her into a swim diaper and swimsuit. I corralled the toddler and repeated the torturous procedure with him. I slathered them in sunscreen and set those alabaster beasts free. I was immediately reminded that there were several more toys that needed inflating. After about an hour everything was fully inflated and the kids were playing happily in the pool. Pure summer bliss...

Ya it lasted a whole 20 minutes.

#summerfun #sunshine #poolparty #alabasterbeasts #imbuyinganairpumptonight

Monday, 3 July 2017

I still know how to party

It was a big weekend for my tiny monsters. My aunt, uncle, and little cousin were in town from B.C. and Isaac especially was so excited to have a kid close to his age around to hang out with. We kicked things off with a trip to Heritage Park. Great grandma even came. Isaac loves heritage park, his very favourite things are there... "Mama I found it! I found the big choo-choo! I see the ammimals! Mommy a piggy like Hobo! ICE CREAM! I  NEED ice cream!" So ya Hobo is a dog but ok besides the point I guess. The day whirled by in a circle of chaos and ended with vomit soaked car seats but the kids had fun. We ended the night with a pizza party and movie night.

The next day was full on Canada Day celebrations at Calaway Park. It was scorching hot out so we went on any ride we could find involving speed or water to try and keep cool. The kids chugged their juice and were so desperate for hydration the even choked back that disgusting poison we adults refer to as 'water'. We treated them to ice cream and the candy store and ended the day jumping in mud puddles when the rain came. Don't worry that day also involved some vomit in the car.

The final day of our kid centred weekend was spent at the local campground with aunts, uncles, cousins, and great grandma. We set up the kids inflatable pool and brought every pool toy we owned. We packed fresh fruit, veggies, and chips. Great grandma brought doughnuts and timbits. There was lemonade, iced tea, and alcohol for those who chose to indulge. We barbecued burgers and hot dogs and the kids even managed to get their hands on some balloons. Things were chaotic and loud and so much fun! Even Hobo was enjoying some extra love when he got his very own hot dog. Of course in true toddler fashion Zoey ate a few rocks and Isaac thought it would be fun to put a couple up his nose.

I guess you know it was good weekend when it is ended with a pair of tweezers extracting rocks from  a toddlers nose and hosing the vomit out of the car.

#happycanadaday #motherhood #istillknowhowtoparty #blessed