Wednesday, 12 July 2017

All the things

It's been a busy week around here. We've had doctors appointments and birthday party prep, plus we had a big shift for the kids since our nanny left. None of this has stopped the crazy, toddler-fueled, shinanagins.

Isaac is getting all excited for his birthday coming up, he has been practicing telling people that he is 3 and doing some trial runs at blowing out birthday candles. He could not decide what kind of birthday he wanted and after a lengthy discussion with grandma it was decided he needed an "all the stuff birthday mom!" So a trip to the dollarstore and Walmart later we were loaded down with party decor from of all his favourite characters (buzz and woody, minions, paw patrol, Spider-Man, Mickey Mouse, ninja turtles, and the ever important paw patrol.) Every day since our shopping trip Isaac checks the pantry and informs me that it will be his birthday is "tomorrow mom? I get presents and CAKE!"

As for princess ZoZo she has quite a personality these days. Although she continues to refuse to walk she despises the stroller and would much rather bum scoot every where. She doesn't see any reason that she shouldn't be able to run and play with her brother and has found her own little ways to keep up with him. This week we discovered her deep love of unicorns... she found one at chapters and all out demanded it. There was yelling, big tears, and desperate reaching from the stroller. I may have given in and bought it, which lead to Isaac needing the dinosaur puzzle he'd been eyeing up since we walked through the door. I thought that it was just the colours that caught her eye but she found another unicorn today at value village and repeated the procedure. So we came home with 3 Ninja turtles, a unicorn, and some dress up clothes.

And for those that are wondering about all these doctors appointments... Zoey is a bit delayed with her gross motor skills but after careful assessment by a paediatrician and a few X-rays it has been decided she just needs some physiotherapy to catch her up. Her treatment for hi dysplasia set her back a bit but it was well worth it! She won't have any hip issues now and it shouldn't take long to help her meet her milestones.

Isaac is another story. Some of you know but many do not, Isaac has been having seizures. It's been going on for about a year. We thought they were just febrile seizures the first few times because they coincided with a fever. It turns out that is not the case and the paediatrician feels more needs to be done for us to uncover the cause. We had an ECG done and that came back normal so our next step is an EEG (which can be done as an outpatient thank goodness!) and an MRI with sedation. We have also received a neurology referral.

I guess the nanny leaving is a blessing in disguise, now I'm back to working straight nights and I can be around for all of the follow-up Isaac needs. I am so grateful that none of this has kept my spunky babies down.

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