Wednesday, 5 July 2017

Summer lovin'

Summer is in full swing here in Alberta and that means a whole 10 days (if we are lucky) of 30+ sunshine filled days. I thought it would be a great idea to take advantage of the weather and get the kids outside. We invited a bunch of friends over to come play but since it was very last minute of me everyone was busy. It didn't matter though, we could party by ourselves. I dug through the closets to find all the pool toys, bathing suits, swim diaper, sunscreen, etc... it only took 30 minutes before I remembered it was all in the garage from the past weekend. I put the baby down for a nap and took the toddler outside. I figured he would play with the dog, maybe blow some bubbles or kick a soccer ball around. That failed epically. As soon as Isaac spotted the pool toys he started trying to jump into the uninflated pool and crying because he thought his toys were all "squished." After a million attempts to reason and explain things to him I gave up and just let him cry while I inflated the pool. We don't have an air pump so I literally had to blow every toy up the old fashioned way.

I found the hose and started filling the pull which caused the tiny minion beside me to vibrate with excitement. As soon as his majesty dipped a toy in the pool the river of tears began to flow again. The water was much to cold for his tender little toes. I dug through the pot cupboard and found my gigantic chilli pot and filled it with steaming hot water from the bath tub. 5 pots later and my little prince was satisfied with the temperature.

At this point the baby had woken up from her beauty sleep and was bellowing for me. I gathered her up and changed her into a swim diaper and swimsuit. I corralled the toddler and repeated the torturous procedure with him. I slathered them in sunscreen and set those alabaster beasts free. I was immediately reminded that there were several more toys that needed inflating. After about an hour everything was fully inflated and the kids were playing happily in the pool. Pure summer bliss...

Ya it lasted a whole 20 minutes.

#summerfun #sunshine #poolparty #alabasterbeasts #imbuyinganairpumptonight

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