Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Death by Doorbell

Today was one of those mundane days. No one was available for a play date and the kids were tired from our busy weekend. I decided to stay home and catch up on laundry mountain. Shane had warned me he needed to work late so I'd be on my own for all three meals with the kids.

This morning started very productively. I got the kitchen cleaned and a few loads of dishes done, (yes I bought dish soap, I would have rather thrown all the dishes out and used paper plates for ever but that annoying voice known as a conscience wouldn't let me.) I changed the water in the fish bowl, it was starting to smell and the bowl had turned green. Of course the fish fell into the sink and was laying there flopping around. After some squealing and gagging I managed to suck it up and rescue our precious fishy. The toddler would have been devastated if poor Orange went to that great toilet bowl in the sky.

Finally I could put the baby down for a nap and let Isaac play on the iPad. This is a very precious time of day as I can usually scarf down some food and a warmish cup of coffee before Isaac demands my undivided attention. I had just managed to find a comfy spot on the couch and put my coffee cup in the vicinity of my mouth when the doorbell rang. I wasn't going to answer because I wasn't sure if I could see past my blind rage that someone woke up the baby. Unfortunately between the crying from the nursery, the dog barking at the door, and the toddler waving through the window there was no way I could pretend not to be home. Alas nap time was not to be.

A few hours and another disaster of a meal later I decided to attempt nap time again. Zoey was down and I was just about to take Isaac to his room when Hobo needed out. Isaac decided this was a great time to take his pull-up off and pee on the floor. I was so proud of myself I calmly cleaned up the mess and explained that we only pee on the potty when I heard Isaac madly giggling and Zoey crying. Isaac had run into the nursery and climbed into the crib! I wanted to be mad but Isaac was hugging Zoey and saying "It ok ZoZo! I gots you! Don't cry ZoZo." My icy heart melted and just like Elsa I "let it go".

Both kids were up for another half hour before I finally succeeded in getting them down to nap. Finallly I could get some laundry done. Hahahahahahahaha just kidding, I collapsed in exhaustion and watched old episode of Law & Order.

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