Saturday, 5 August 2017

Potty purgatory

Ahhh the sweet moments of parenthood. The bright sunshine filled moments of life. Listen if you don't have kids you are missing out.

This morning I awoke from my luxurious beauty sleep, (a full 6 hours!) to the sweet sound of my little angel beckoning for me from her baby jail. "Mama! Baba!" she bellowed in her angelic tones.

Thank goodness it is the weekend so I do have Shane home to help with the morning rush. We got both kids up and nourished them with the traditional breakfast of high fructose corn syrup and red dye number 2. We managed to caffeinate ourselves and clear enough space on the floor for the beasts to battle *ahem* I mean play.

We decided it was a good time to go for a walk/bike ride/torture filled marathon to the park. Before this could happen we needed to dress all the flailing creatures, brush everyone's teeth, and take various bathroom trips. This is where the best part of my day happened, one of those #blessed moments of #motherhood. After the rest of my troop was cleaned, clothed, and pottyed, I thought I could take a moment in the washroom for myself. Hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahaha!!!!!!! I can hear you laughing.

I: "Mama can I come?"
M: "If you must."
He follows me into the bathroom and screams at me not to close the door.
I: "Don't close it mom! The ghosts will get us!"
I don't feel like fighting this battle as my bladder is about to burst so whatever I decided to pee with the door open. As I pop a squat so very gracefully my toddler thoughtfully thrusts a toy in my face...

I: "Here mom, Zurg! You be Zurg."
M: "Mom is going pee dude just wait."
I: "Zurg!"
Zurg is lovingly bashed into my face.

And this is how I found myself playing Toy Story on the potty. See you are totally missing out.
#blessed #motherhood #toystory #whathaveidone

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