Thursday, 17 August 2017

The eggs in grandma's pink basket

As a parent of two toddlers there are so many things that come out of my mouth that I never could have imagined saying. "No feet on the table.""Stop putting qtips in your nose.""We don't use spoons to hit.""Stop biting the dog." It goes on and on. One such sentence involved you guessed it; eggs and grandma's pink basket.

I suppose to most people that is a fairly innocent sentence that means nothing but after going through a couple of years of fertility treatments, working in a healthcare, and quite frankly being a woman eggs and a pink basket really can be misconstrued.

You see the day those words were uttered my mom had the brilliant (slightly torturous) idea of taking the children out of the house. I try to pack light but with two little kids that just doesn't happen, especially when I am trying to be fugal and not buy all the snacks. My mom raised three little kids so she knows exactly how excruciating it can be to take tiny people out. As a result when we go out we try for it to be a full day, this usually involves a picnic.

Both kids love food and Isaac in particular has started to take great delight in picnics. My parents have this little cooler, it is very 90's, hard-sided and pink with a green handle. The kids love this little cooler and think it holds the best food in the world. It doesn't matter if I pack the exact same food as my mom, the food that comes out of that pink box is the most decadent, heavenly, thing and the children must have it.

One of the staples that my parents pack is hard boiled eggs. Personally I despise eggs in most forms but find hard boiled the worst, I am pretty sure only the oldest people in the world actually enjoy them. That being said Isaac has an undying passion about eggs (I'm pretty sure it stems from the hours spent watching struthiomimus stealing eggs on land before time.) Anyway, every time we go out and Isaac spies that box he demands we immediately have "nunch." We have learned he really mostly wants eggs. This last picnic he ate a few eggs and after my parents managed to sneak a couple for themselves there were none left. "Gamma I need more eggs please!" "Sorry baby, there are no more eggs in grandma's pink basket."

#picnic #getoutside #momlife #toddlerlife #qtipsdontgothere #mommyblogger #bloggersofinstagram #toddlersofinstagram #whatdidijustsay

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